• How to choose a hair straightener

    Well-groomed hair is a woman's beauty and pride. But not everyone is happy with their condition and structure. Moreover, many ladies constantly use hair dryers, irons, tongs, which does not have a beneficial effect on the condition of the curls. Girls with straight hair try to curl them, and the owners of curls, on the contrary, straighten them. We will talk about rectifiers, or as they are also called - irons, in this article. For further info, click here: Tyme Iron Pro Reviews


    Ironing rules


    During hair straightening, the water balance is disturbed, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of the hair. In order to avoid these consequences, you should be responsible for the choice of ironing. The choice depends on the following factors.


    Depending on the thickness of the hair . For thin weakened hair, it is worth choosing an iron with a relatively low heating temperature, so as not to dry out and damage the hair. The maximum temperature should not exceed 160 ° C. For owners of thick hair, the maximum temperature can reach 200 ° C. The width of the curling iron also depends on the thickness and length of the hair. It is better to straighten loose hair below the shoulders with an iron with a working surface width of 2.5 to 4 cm. For thick wavy hair with a length below the shoulder blades, the best option would be a curling iron with a width of 6 to 9 cm.


    Depending on the quality of the hair. For damaged, thin and weakened hair, a special gentle regimen is needed, therefore, in addition to the temperature, it is necessary to select the coating of the plates.